ApproveOps: GitHub IssueOps with Approvals
Using GitHub Actions to build automation on top of Issues (IssueOps) with Approvals from someone in a designated GitHub team
Using GitHub Actions to build automation on top of Issues (IssueOps) with Approvals from someone in a designated GitHub team
Creating no-code GitHub Apps to install to an organization to replace having to create service accounts or a user PAT for authorization in GitHub Actions
Miscellaneous GitHub scripts written against GitHub API's, GraphQL, GitHub CLI, etc. for automation
Programmatically download a package binary (such as NuGet, Maven) from GitHub Packages
Migrate SVN to Git using either the import repository feature in GitHub or git-svn
Using the Azure Boards GitHub app to connect a single GitHub organization to multiple Azure DevOps organizations or projects for work item integration
A feature comparison between GitHub Enterprise, GitHub Enterprise with GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS), and Public Repos on github.com
How to use the Powerlevel10k Zsh theme in GitHub Codespaces
I share how I finally got the Pipeline Cache task to work with my Angular build pipeline
I share my experience, lessons-learned, and tips and tricks for working with the new Azure Front Door Standard/Premium SKUs