Programmatically Download a Package Binary from GitHub Packages
Programmatically download a package binary (such as NuGet, Maven) from GitHub Packages
Programmatically download a package binary (such as NuGet, Maven) from GitHub Packages
Migrate SVN to Git using either the import repository feature in GitHub or git-svn
Using the Azure Boards GitHub app to connect a single GitHub organization to multiple Azure DevOps organizations or projects for work item integration
A feature comparison between GitHub Enterprise, GitHub Enterprise with GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS), and Public Repos on
How to use the Powerlevel10k Zsh theme in GitHub Codespaces
I share how I finally got the Pipeline Cache task to work with my Angular build pipeline
I share my experience, lessons-learned, and tips and tricks for working with the new Azure Front Door Standard/Premium SKUs
Migrating work items to a different project or organization in Azure DevOps isn't as easy it should be. There are various ways to do so, with various levels of complexity and various levels of fide...
Using GitHub Actions to add a code coverage summary report comment to a pull request and job summary
Publishing Code Coverage and making it look pretty in Azure DevOps is way harder than it should be