Creating a Multiline Comment in the GitHub Web Editor
Adding a multiline comment in the GitHub Web Editor; for example when editing a GitHub Actions workflow file
Adding a multiline comment in the GitHub Web Editor; for example when editing a GitHub Actions workflow file
Using Reusable Workflows in GitHub Actions to standardize and security harden your deployment steps
Integrate GitHub Enterprise Server to receive notifications in Slack without opening up the firewall
Watch the Visual Studio Toolbox recording as I show you how you can automate your builds, tests, and deployments with Azure Pipelines
Watch the Visual Studio Toolbox Live recording as I show you how you can automate your builds, tests, and deployments with GitHub Actions
Migrating Maven packages stored in GitHub Packages from one instance to another
Migrating npm packages stored in GitHub Packages from one instance to another
Tracking new files in Git LFS
How to migrate Git LFS artifacts from one repository to another
How to migrate Git LFS artifacts from one repository to another